The OnePlus Nord already has an official presentation date: the firm quotes us on July 21 for an event in augmented reality

A couple of weeks ago OnePlus confirmed to have a new, more affordable device in the oven . There was talk of OnePlus Z , OnePlus Lite and OnePlus Nord , the latter being the name that the terminal will finally have. Due to the leaks, the terminal aims to be a mid-range device with 5G, but we do not have much left to doubt, since the company has just confirmed July 21 as the official date for its presentation .

The event will take place on July 21 at 4:00 p.m. and, to announce it, OnePlus will do something similar to what it did with the OnePlus 2: use augmented reality. Users who want to follow the launch of the device can do so through the applications developed for this purpose, available from now on Google Play and the App Store .

A new affordable OnePlus

Oneplus Nord 2

From OnePlus they assure that this new device “supposes a new beginning ” for the firm, while it will give them the opportunity to “share our technology with a greater number of people worldwide”. The idea of ​​doing it in augmented reality is that users can experience the device from home.

It is not the first time that a manufacturer has done something like this. OnePlus, without going any further, did something similar with the OnePlus 2 . Samsung, in fact, allowed attendees of its Unpacked in 2018 to see the Galaxy S9 in virtual reality using the mobile camera and a personalized business card for the occasion.

Little is known about the device itself, beyond that it will be a mid-range that will mount a 5G processor . Qualcomm Europe confirmed on its Twitter account that the company’s new device will mount the Snapdragon 765G , but beyond that, little else is official.

Finally, from OnePlus affirms that from July 8, that is, tomorrow, 900 units of the OnePlus Nord can be purchased in advance sale . It is the second round they do, but not the last, since the third and last will take place on July 15. All a leap of faith, based on the fact that it is buying a mobile phone that is not fully known. Be that as it may, on July 21 we will leave doubts.

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